Money-Making Candlestick Patterns
Candlesticks are one of the most widely used technical tools in trading. Designed to provide detailed, at-a-glance information, these charts are integrated into almost every web site and charting software solution. But, despite their popularity, the definitions of these candlestick patterns are often vague and confusing.
Now, for the first time, Steve Palmquist tells you the secrets to using candlestick patterns effectively in all market conditions. Data that would take years to compile and years to interpret is now at your fingertips.
Based on extensive testing and research, Money Making Candlestick Patterns shows how to properly use the most popular candlestick patterns in bullish, bearish and sideways trends.
Built from proven facts, not theory, you’ll learn:
- Clear definitions of each selected pattern to remove guesswork and improve performance
- Exactly What You Need to Know About Backtesting to Maximize Your Wins and Minimize Your Losses
- The impact of different market conditions on the most powerful patterns to eliminate surprises and increase profits
The Key to Avoiding Common Testing Mistakes That Can Keep You From Making Money - Candlestick pattern that has shown triple ROI in backtesting
This book rigorously tests the assumptions underlying standard candlestick pattern definitions. Each chapter breaks down the patterns to examine how parameters such as current volume, average volume and price level will affect the results.
The definitions that most often generate profitable trades are identified and outlined with full usage instructions to increase your winning trade percentage.
In this book, technician Steve Palmquist tells you about his years of research. Knowledge of backtesting and knowledge of your favorite patterns will give you an experienced advantage in a short time. Completely and expertly organized, this book will allow you to use candlestick patterns to exploit every market move.