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Author: pankajnifty
# Coin Price 1h 24h 7d 30d 24h Volume Market Cap FDV Market Cap / FDV Last 7 Days 52 Artificial Superintelligence Alliance FET $1.25 0.5% 4.6% 7.0% 6.1% $242,959,331 $3,256,937,327 $3,393,886,839 0.96 57 Virtuals Protocol VIRTUAL $2.66 0.6% 8.1% 28.3% 14.1% $316,297,858 $2,657,012,060 $2,657,012,060 1.0 113 ai16z AI16Z $0.9493 0.1% 16.6% 37.9% 49.0% $326,571,097 $1,045,573,336 $1,045,573,336 1.0 162 aixbt by Virtuals AIXBT $0.7157 0.7% 3.2% 18.3% 126.5% $528,991,007 $611,258,804 $714,410,599 0.86 196 AI Rig Complex ARC $0.4617 0.7% 22.6% 2.2% 193.4% $175,116,970 $461,420,251 $461,420,251 1.0 201 Freysa AI FAI $0.05535 0.5% 10.9% 9.3% 104.7% $6,123,589 $452,904,366 $452,904,366 1.0 250…
ये 10 पेनी स्टॉक जो आपको सोमवार को बनाएंगे मालामाल, शुक्रवार को 40% तक लगा अपर सर्किट अगर आप सोमवार को पेनी स्टॉक में निवेश कर पैसा कमाना चाहते हैं तो हम आपको उन 10 पेनी स्टॉक के बारे में बता रहे हैं जिनमें शुक्रवार को 40% तक का अपर सर्किट लगा।शुक्रवार को आरबीआई गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास ने क्रेडिट पॉलिसी की समीक्षा पेश की. चालू वित्त वर्ष के लिए जीडीपी ग्रोथ का आंकड़ा 7.2 फीसदी रहने की खबर से शेयर बाजार में बंपर तेजी दर्ज की गई और यह 1,400 अंक बढ़कर 76,494 के स्तर को पार कर गया. निफ्टी…
आइए जानें लाभांश तिथि, रिकॉर्ड तिथि, पूर्व-लाभांश तिथि, अंतरिम लाभांश, और अंतिम लाभांश के बारे में। लाभांश तिथि (Dividend Declaration Date): यह वह तिथि होती है जिस दिन कंपनी घोषणा करती है कि वह डिविडेंड देने जा रही है और डिविडेंड की मात्रा कितनी होगी।रिकॉर्ड तिथि (Record Date): यह तिथि है जिस दिन किसी निवेशक को कंपनी के शेयरहोल्डर रूप में दर्ज किया जाता है ताकि वह डिविडेंड प्राप्त कर सके।पूर्व-लाभांश तिथि (Ex-Dividend Date): यह तिथि रिकॉर्ड तिथि से दो दिन पहले होती है। इस दिन तक शेयर खरीदने वाले निवेशक डिविडेंड प्राप्त करने के अधिकारी नहीं होते।अंतरिम लाभांश (Interim…
तकनीकी विश्लेषण के क्षेत्र में, चार्ट पैटर्न व्यापारियों के लिए बाजार की भावना को समझने और संभावित मूल्य आंदोलनों का पूर्वानुमान लगाने के लिए अमूल्य उपकरण के रूप में काम करते हैं। इन पैटर्नों में, डबल टॉप एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखता है, जो ट्रेंड रिवर्सल के सिग्नलिंग में अपनी विश्वसनीयता के लिए पहचाना जाता है। चाहे आप नौसिखिया व्यापारी हों या अनुभवी निवेशक, डबल टॉप पैटर्न की जटिलताओं को समझने से आपकी सूचित निर्णय लेने और बाजार के अवसरों को भुनाने की क्षमता बढ़ सकती है।इस व्यापक गाइड में, हम डबल टॉप चार्ट पैटर्न में गहराई से उतरेंगे, इसके गठन,…
What is Fundamental Analysis? Fundamental analysis is a method of estimating the intrinsic value of a stock.It combines monetary statements, outside influences, events, and enterprise trends. It is important to note that the intrinsic value or fair value of a stock does not change overnight. This kind of analysis helps you identify the key characteristics of the company and analyze its real value taking into account macro and micro economic factors.Historical data to check how things were in the pastPublicly known information about the company, including announcements made by management and what others say about the companyInformation that is not…
ऑप्शन चेन क्या है? निफ्टी 50 विकल्प श्रृंखला शेयर बाजार में व्यापार के लिए उपलब्ध अंतर्निहित परिसंपत्ति के रूप में निफ्टी 50 इंडेक्स के साथ विकल्प अनुबंधों की एक सूची है। इसमें अलग-अलग स्ट्राइक कीमतों और समाप्ति तिथियों के साथ कॉल और पुट ऑप्शन अनुबंध दोनों शामिल हैं।विकल्प श्रृंखला प्रत्येक उपलब्ध अनुबंध के लिए विकल्प प्रीमियम, वॉल्यूम, ओपन इंटरेस्ट और निहित अस्थिरता (IV) जैसे व्यापक डेटा प्रदान करती है। निफ्टी 50 विकल्प श्रृंखला का उपयोग अक्सर निवेशकों द्वारा बाजार की भावना को मापने, व्यापारिक गतिविधि निर्धारित करने और यहां तक कि भविष्य की गतिविधियों की भविष्यवाणी करने के लिए किया…
A Comprehensive Mutual Fund Course for Beginners The mutual fund enterprise is complete of complicated terminologies like NFO, TER, Sharpe Ratio, SIP, STP, SWP, Alpha,Beta and many other terms like equity, debt and hybrid funds, active and passive funds and many more. Whether you are a complete newbie who wants to improve your knowledge about investing in mutual funds or a student looking to make a career in the mutual fund industry, this course will help you learn the basics and start your journey. The course starts with introduction to mutual funds and explains the different types of mutual funds.…
Introduction Investors in the Indian financial market have only one goal: profit. However, they start by trying a specific trading technique and move on to the next technique until they find the technique that is most suited and which can bring them better profits than the rest.Every investor has a trading style. Some of them believe in value investing, while others in intraday trading. When you think about intraday trading, the idea is quite simple, you buy stocks when the market opens and sell them before the market closes. If the price is higher than the cost price, you make…
समर्थन और प्रतिरोध स्तर खोजें तकनीकी विश्लेषण में समर्थन और प्रतिरोध दो मूलभूत अवधारणाएँ हैं। यह समझना कि इन शब्दों का क्या अर्थ है और उनका व्यावहारिक अनुप्रयोग मूल्य चार्ट को सही ढंग से पढ़ने के लिए आवश्यक है।आपूर्ति और मांग के कारण कीमतें बढ़ती हैं। जब मांग आपूर्ति से अधिक होती है तो कीमतें बढ़ती हैं। जब आपूर्ति मांग से अधिक होती है तो कीमतें गिर जाती हैं। कभी-कभी, कीमतें बग़ल में चलेंगी क्योंकि आपूर्ति और मांग दोनों संतुलन में हैं।तकनीकी विश्लेषण में कई अवधारणाओं की तरह, तकनीकी अवधारणाओं के पीछे की व्याख्या और तर्क अपेक्षाकृत आसान हैं, लेकिन…
Mastering the Spinning Top Candlestick: Your Comprehensive Guide & Free PDF Download Are you ready to unlock a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your trading decisions? The candlestick pattern world presents itself as a complex structure that contains many hidden market insights. The most recognizable and valuable candlestick pattern is called Spinning Top, which we will explore in detail today. The basic candlestick formation of the Spinning Top displays multiple key insights about market feelings as well as change trends alongside entry and exit possibilities.This precise guide shows how to analyze the Spinning Top candlestick pattern through identification methods…
Hammer Candlestick pattern gallery hammer candlestick in uptrend Hammer Candlestick Patterns Meaning Images for Hammer Candlestick Patterns Introduction: Are You Missing Out on Hidden Market Reversals? Stock chart analysis presents itself like a complex cryptographic system to our viewing eyes. The market uses unique communication methods that are difficult for you to understand. You’re not alone. Most traders from all experience levels struggle to forecast market activities while searching for profitable investment options.Moreover, the market functions through a distinct communication channel based on price movements. Candlestick patterns constitute one of the most potent systems within the language of price action.…
Introduction Of Bullish Marubozu Candlestick One Bearish Marubozu candle in a price chart serves as a clear indicator that investors are completely in control. A bullish Marubozu provides power to traders because of its display of total buyer control. Candlestick patterns function as market visual signals that show the current struggle between buying and selling activities. Bullish Marubozu emerges as a straightforward indicator for bullish market control from all other candlestick patterns. Such powerful tools must be properly utilized after gaining a comprehensive understanding of their functions.Inexperienced traders often develop strong interest in the Marubozu pattern, yet they discover difficulty…
The Power of Certainty: Introducing the Marubozu Candlestick Pattern Most trading beginners find themselves confused when studying stock charts because candlestick patterns create complex visualizations. All these candlestick patterns, including spinning tops, dojis, and hammers, appear to demonstrate a draw that shows competition between buying and selling forces. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? As traders, we crave clarity. Knowledge about market control between buyers and sellers allows traders to make better trades and execute informed investments. The market shows clear answers only sporadically; yet occasionally, it displays them with great audibility. A Marubozu candlestick appears as that shout, which indicates market…
Introduction Of Bearish Marubozu Candlestick The reduction of your investment portfolio value during market dips leaves you feeling exhausted. You experience a constant feeling of being too late since price drops trigger your responses instead of enabling you to foresee them. It stands as a big trading challenge to detect bearish trends at an early stage because late detection leads to financial losses. The wide range of indicators and technical patterns creates challenges for traders because they find the analysis difficult to handle. Does a single candlestick pattern exist that gives both a strong warning and clear signs about an…
Introduction: Stop Guessing, Start Seeing – The Power of Single Candlestick Patterns Trading interest keeps drawing you in, although you find complex charts overwhelming. You desire an alternative system that would enable you to detect market trends and generate revenue from profitable deals before their complete development. This is the appropriate destination for you. Single candlestick patterns will introduce you to market sentiment analysis so you can make more effective trading decisions.The special pricing information visualization of candlestick charts provides investors with a strong tool for market performance assessment. Among all candlestick patterns, single candlesticks are the easiest to learn…
morning-doji-star-pattern Standard-Doji gravestone-doji-candlestick-pattern long-legged-doji-star-candlestick-pattern four-price-doji free-doji-candlestick-patterns dragonfly-doji-candlestick-pattern evening-doji-star-candlestick-pattern Master Doji Candlesticks: Free PDF Guide & Advanced Trading Strategies Have you ever experienced guessing the market turn based purely on speculation? The tool would serve as a warning system that presents visual indicators for recognition of trend exhaustion before an upcoming reversal takes place. The capacity to predict market trends rests with Doji candlestick patterns. Markets reach indecisive moments when security prices start and end the trading day at the same levels, which creates these special price patterns. You need to focus attention during these specific moments, which signal the markets…
Shooting-Star-Candlestick-Patterns Shooting-star-candle-trading Shooting-star-candlestick-strategy Shooting-star-candle-trading evening-star-candlestick-pattern shooting-star-candlestick-pattern How-to-Identify-a-Shooting-Star-Pattern Shooting-star-candlestick-confirmation How-to-Identify-a-Shooting-Star-Pattern Shooting-star-pattern-meaning Trading-the-Shooting-Star-Pattern Shooting-star-reversal-pattern Watching investment gains vanish while your held stocks suddenly move backward is becoming intolerable for you. You have probably stayed passive about shorting stocks because you did not know when the prevailing uptrend would give way. Trading professionals consider market reversal recognition as the hardest skill to learn but also one of the most profitable aspects in financial trading. A solitary candlestick pattern exists, which gives developers potential buyers and sellers with superior capabilities to detect bearish trend shifts. Enter the shooting star.Within uptrend patterns, the visually clear…
Free-Hanging-Man-Candlestick-Patterns Hammer-vs-Hanging-Man-candlestick-patterns Hanging-Man-Candlestick-Pattern-in hanging-man-candlestick-patterns hanging-man-candlestick-patterns-2 The-Hanging-Man-Candlestick-Pattern-1 Introduction: Is the Party Over? At a fantastic party (strong stock market uptrend), you observe people starting to look tired. Every guest enjoys themselves at the event while the music maintains a high volume and drinks circulate freely. You begin to notice individuals becoming fatigued, which leads them to react cautiously during the party. The attendees remain at the party although they show signs of exhaustion. The slight change in party atmosphere may signal that the celebration will soon reach its closure.The Hanging Man candlestick pattern appears like the first indication that a subtle…
Decoding Candlestick Patterns: Your Visual Guide to Understanding Market Sentiment People frequently fail to grasp messages in conversations because they lack both tone of voice and facial expressions during communication. Although you would understand the verbalized statements, you would overlook an enormous aspect of their intended communication. Basic line charts of stock prices show closing values which leaves investors with no visibility regarding how prices changed between each session. The interpretation system depends on candlestick patterns as major indicators. These visual indicators function as market body language, which shows an illustrated competition between market participants while simultaneously suggesting future price…
Risk Management Risk Management – Tips When it comes to trading, risk management is one of the most important topics. On the one hand, traders want to keep any potential losses as small as possible, but on the other hand, traders also want to squeeze as much potential profit as possible from each trade.The reason many traders lose money is not simply inexperience or lack of market knowledge, but poor risk management. Proper risk management in Hindi is an absolute necessity to become a successful trader.In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about risk management…